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超多å�Ÿç�†è§£æ��,疑问解ç”,ä¸�好å�‹å…±äº«å¦ä¹ ä¹�趣。
互动教程网的互动教程自2013年上线App Store以æ�¥ï¼Œå�–得了长足的进æ¥ã€‚在App Store市场赢得了大é‡�çš„å¦å‘˜ï¼Œä»¥å�˜è¢«åŠ¨å¦ä¸ºä¸»åŠ¨å¦çš„特点,助力全ç�ƒå¦å‘˜ä»¬çš„技能æ��å�‡ï¼�
æ— ç—›å¦ä¹ 法,让您å…�ç–«æ��惧ã€�å€¦æ€ ã€�é�—忘ã€�挫折ã€�ç…�熬ç‰å�„ç§�痛苦ï¼�大声告诉您:快ä¹�å¦ä¹ ,找å›�自信ï¼�
“é…·æ¯™äº†ï¼Œè¿™æ ·çš„æ•™ç¨‹æœ€é€‚å�ˆæˆ‘è¿™ç§�懒人了”
“这个手机软件就完ç¾�的解决了这个问题,å�¯ä»¥è¾¹çœ‹æ‰‹æœºè¾¹æŒ‰ç¨‹åº�æ“�作,也ä¸�用频ç¹�的按暂å�œï¼Œå�¯ä»¥ç†Ÿç»ƒå·¥å…·åŠŸèƒ½ã€‚é��常好的å¦ä¹ 利器,希望大家å�¯ä»¥å¥½å¥½åˆ©ç”¨è¿™äº›èµ„æº�。”
“This is a great tutorial very easy-to-follow help you understand Photoshop”
“This app is great for beginners to learn basic functions and more advanced uses for photoshop! I love it, and use it with my students when instructing them in photoshop at the high school level. Awesome App!”
“太棒了ï¼�第一次写评论 å®�在å¿�ä¸�ä½�了 这个APP太帅了 贴心å�ˆå®�用ï¼�”
“Brilliant app, really helpful. I have learnt lots!”
“以å‰�下载了很多的视频,总是看ç�€çœ‹ç�€å°±æ²¡å…´è¶£äº†,一直å¦ä¸�下å�»,这软件很ä¸�é”™, 手把手教,å¦äº†ä¸€ä¸Šå�ˆ,很有收è�·,下å�ˆç»§ç»ã€‚”
“Esta app me gusta mucho en verdad la recomiendo!”
“Nice to have application for all!!!”
“Totally love this app. Great for begginers!”
“讲的很全é�¢ 对äº�我们这些新手æ�¥è¯´æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªä¸�错的软件 对äº�æ�¯ç‡¥æ— å‘³çš„æ–‡å— è§†é¢‘æ�¥çš„更有趣更直æ�¥ï¼�”
“Fantastic Tutorials!What's unique is these tutorials let you simulate the actions.”
“I love it ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜� ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜� ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜�ğŸ˜� â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�â�¤ï¸�!”
“Perfect one on one explanation!Love this app! It was a life saver. My prof told us we have to learn photoshop on our own and well to be frank I'm not extremely tech savvy so Thank u Soo much for making this!”
“Instructions are simple to follow. Amazing learning experience. I highly recommend it to everyone who want to learn with joy.!”
“这是迄今为æ¢ä¸‹è¿‡çš„最棒的一款app,让我这个ä¸�爱看网络教程而涂有一颗å¦ä¹ 图片处ç�†å¿ƒçš„å©çº¸å……满了å¦ä¹ çš„çƒæƒ…,大爱ï¼�”
“One of the most useful and instructive apps I have on my ipad. Works like a charm. Well though-out app for those who know nothing about Photoshop, or for those who need a refresher, or even for those who want to discover lots of new tools, tricks and shortcuts.!”
“Vraiment bien pensée, peu à peu cette application démystifieras pour certains la difficile prise en main de ce programme... Un must have pour ceux qui débutent. Bravo!!”
“Ø£Ù�ضل برنامج رأيته لتعليم الÙ�وتوشوب بطريقة سهله جداً جداً بصراØØ© Ø£Ù†ØµØ Ø¨Ù‡ بشدة!”
“用过最好的PSå¦ä¹ 工具,å�Ÿæœ¬è¿˜æœ‰å¦ä¹ Illustrator的教程,ä¸�知é�“为什么下æ�¶ï¼Œå¸Œæœ›å�¯ä»¥é‡�æ–°æ��供给大家下载,é��常感谢ï¼�ï¼�”
“业界良心ï¼�一直嫌评论麻烦,但是这个app真的很好,好到超ä¹�想象ï¼�作为新手还没å¦å¤ªå¤šï¼Œç›®å‰�没有收费ç�°è±¡ï¼Œè€Œä¸”手机æ“�作就åƒ�ç”µè„‘ä¸€æ ·ï¼�给身份è¯�å�·ç �那么多的èµ�ï¼�ï¼�”
“Very impressed with this. So much mystique is thrown up around photoshop being an incredible challenge. Equally loads of video guides are dull as ditch water. This app finds a really useful middle ground by covering very many bite sized mini chapters in a very intuitive click through style with no dull chat Well done!”
“Gelmis gecmis en iyi tutor uygulamasidir. Mukemmel dizayni ve her hamleyi teker teker yaptirmasi ogrenmeyi mumkun kiliyor. Birakin 10 lirayi 250 lira olsa para verilip alinir.!”
“很ä¸�错的å¦ä¹ æ–¹å¼�ï¼�相当äº�一个è€�å¸ˆæ‰‹æŠŠæ‰‹æ•™ä½ ã€‚å¹³æ—¶è·Ÿç½‘ä¸Šè€�师å¦ä¹ ,但说å®�è¯�,效æ�œæ²¡è¿™ä¹ˆå¥½ï¼ŒçœŸå¿ƒå¾ˆèµ�å•Šï¼�ï¼�”
“Vraiment très bien fait, pas de blabla seulement du visuel. Super aide pour les débutants comme moi, cool app !!”
“Haven watched all of it. But so far so good!!!!!!!!!!!”
“有兴趣的å°�伙伴们å�¯ä»¥è¯•ä¸€ä¸‹è¿™ä¸ªè½¯ä»¶å“¦ï¼Œå®ƒå�¯ä»¥æ‰‹æŠŠæ‰‹æ•™ä½ 电脑上的ps,之å‰�没碰过的也å�¯ä»¥ç”¨è¿™ä¸ªè½¯ä»¶ï¼Œé��常适å�ˆå¦ç”Ÿï¼�!”
“This is a must for beginners and helpful for intermediate users. Each tutorial is hands-on and completely interactive and each step awaits your interaction before moving on to next step. Nicely designed. No videos or text to sort through...just click and swipe the little icon to actually follow the lesson. I am working with PS every day, but tend to use certain tools over and over. This app will help me expand my tool utilization. Hope to see additional lessons. Would advise a slicker store icon that matches the quality of this app. Nicely done and inexpensive. Better than high-priced formal learning programs.”
“I'm buying this app after two tutorials. They've done a great job of presenting step by step processes which are much better than any book I've seen. I've been looking for a very basic tutorial program/training process for the longest and this is it. A few points of note: 1. This will bore advanced users. 2. This does present the "dumb question" answers we're all afraid to ask. 3. While the price point may seem high compared to many other apps, already it seems to be worth it. After further investigation, I will return with additional data. Thanks.”
“真没想到一个教程软件还能å�šå¾—è¿™ä¹ˆå¥½ï¼Œä½ å€¼å¾—æ‹¥æœ‰ ★★★★★ï¼�”
“很好的å¦ä¹ photoshop çš„app,对ä¸�会设计的程åº�员æ�¥è¯´å¾ˆæœ‰ç”¨å•Šã€‚”
“Many tips i didn't know about. Thanks for this app.”
“真的没有想过一个教程软件还能å�šå¾—æ€�ä¹ˆå¥½ï¼Œä½ å€¼å¾—æ‹¥æœ‰ï¼�”
“Прошел только гет Ñ�тартед, но уже понравилоÑ�ÑŒ, только не хватает теÑ�тов, чтоб без звездочек Ñ�амому прохожить типа.”
“Лучшее по изучениÑ� фотошопа. Ğ�тличное приложение! Ğ‘Ñ‹Ñ�тро оÑ�воил фш. ”
“Nice done! Very useful for people wants to learn the basics of PS , nice!”
“Excellent!!It's the best photoshop tutorial I've ever seen.!”
“难得的å®�用app!å¦è½¯ä»¶ç”¨è¿™ç§�互动教å¦è§†é¢‘å½¢å¼�真的太好了,é™�å…�时下的,下æ�¥å��立马边在手机上æ“�作,边在PC上跟ç�€å�šï¼Œ3天得到金苹æ�œã€‚这个app对ps基本功的帮助相当大啊ï¼�æ•™å¦æ¥éª¤å�ˆç�†ï¼Œæ·±æµ…也æ�°åˆ°å¥½å¤„。虽然å¦å®Œäº†ï¼Œä½†å¥½å¤šæŠ€èƒ½ä¸�过手一下就忘,这个在手机上å�¯ä»¥éš�æ—¶å¤�ä¹ ï¼Œä¸�æ–åŠ æ·±å¯¹psçš„ç�†è§£ã€‚ä¸�足之处在äº�我å�‘ç�°ä½œè€…å‡ºäº†å¥½å‡ æ¬¾è½¯ä»¶çš„è¿™ç§�æ•™å¦app,但都是在ç¾�国商店。 ”
“Rev LB!For the seasoned user of Photoshop this app may bore you to death. For the Photoshop challenged, brand-new user, those curious about the ins and outs of this program you will love this app. The beauty of this app is that it takes you from Ground Zero, square one, ABC's, see Spot run. It addresses the most basic elements of this program. Everyone will learn something. If for nothing else, I love the step by step examples. No other book or program I've seen gets the this basic . I'm quite impressed.”
“真心好用 ★★★★★å�šæ€»æ¯”看é‡�è¦�。å�šä¹Ÿæ¯”看å¦å¾—快。å°�å©å¦èµ°è·¯å’Œè¯´è¯�çš„æ—¶å€™å¹¶æ²¡æœ‰ç ”ç©¶æ–¹æ³•ï¼Œå�ªæ˜¯ç›´æ�¥å�»å�šäº†ï¼�。å°�å©å¦èµ°è·¯å’Œè¯´è¯�çš„æ—¶å€™å¹¶æ²¡æœ‰ç ”ç©¶æ–¹æ³•ï¼Œå�ªæ˜¯ç›´æ�¥å�»å�šäº†ï¼�相当äº�一个è€�å¸ˆæ‰‹æŠŠæ‰‹æ•™ä½ ã€‚å¹³æ—¶è·Ÿç½‘ä¸Šè€�师å¦ä¹ ,但说å®�è¯�,效æ�œæ²¡è¿™ä¹ˆå¥½ï¼ŒçœŸå¿ƒå¾ˆèµ�å•Šï¼�ï¼�很好的å¦ä¹ photoshop çš„app,对ä¸�会设计的程åº�员æ�¥è¯´å¾ˆæœ‰ç”¨å•Šã€‚手机æ“�作就åƒ�ç”µè„‘ä¸€æ ·ï¼�给身份è¯�å�·ç �那么多的èµ�ï¼�ï¼�”
“Very helpful specially for beginners!”
“业界良心,想给å…分æ€�ä¹ˆç ´ï¼�è°�说好设计都是æªæ�œä»�å�šçš„,这就是一款é��常棒的PS教程,我æ€�么早没å�‘ç�°å‘¢ï¼Œæ‰‹æŒ‡äº’动æ“�作的å¦ä¹ æ–¹å¼�å°±åƒ�ç�©æ¸¸æˆ�ä¸€æ ·ï¼Œä»¥å��对Pså†�也ä¸�头疼了,感谢开å�‘者。ï¼�”
“Excellent!Great! So educational and so much better than what my teacher taught in school ğŸ˜�!”
“很好用ï¼�很好用ï¼�很好用ï¼�é‡�è¦�çš„è¯�说三é��ï¼�ï¼�ï¼�讲的很详细,很适å�ˆåˆšå…¥é—¨çš„åˆ�å¦è€… 很好用ï¼�讲的很详细,很适å�ˆåˆšå…¥é—¨çš„åˆ�å¦è€…,è¦�æ˜¯æœ‰ç´ æ��åŒ…å°±æ›´å¥½äº†ï¼Œæ–¹ä¾¿ç»ƒä¹ ï¼Œè‡ªå·±åœ¨ç½‘ä¸Šå�ªèƒ½æ‰¾åˆ°ç±»ä¼¼çš„”
“I don't know how I must say thanks for the unbelievable app â�¤ï¸� my best photoshop app lessons ever â�¤ï¸� just thanks :)!”
“I love this application very much , but we want more lessons in the next update . Thanks you very much!”
“Mind-bogglingly good!So intuitive and easy to follow. And it makes learning PhotoShop from scratch fun. I'm very happy to have found this app. Many thanks to the developers.”
“Menarik dan sesuai untuk yang baru belajar Photoshop!”
“Ook al heb ik veel ervaring met grafische programma's zoals Photoshop etc. Ik leer soms nog dingen met deze zeer mooi uitgevoerde app. Mijn complimenten!!”
“후회하지 ì•Šì�Œ!ë�” ì�´ìƒ� 나ì�€ 학습ë�„구가 ì—†ì�„ 듯 싶ì�€ 앱^^!”
“PS教程太èµ�了ï¼�è¦�把我出生到ç�°åœ¨çš„æ—¥å�å¤©å¤©ä¸ºä½ ä»¬PS而èµ�ï¼�简直太棒了有了这个我å¦ä¼šäº†Ps ç‰æˆ‘æˆ�功那天为ps而投资ï¼�”
“手把手教,æ¯�个视频å�ªé’ˆå¯¹ä¸€ä¸ªçŸ¥è¯†ç‚¹ï¼Œåœ¨è‡ªå·±åŠ¨æ‰‹çš„过程ä¸åŠ æ·±å�°è±¡ï¼Œç›¸æ¯”äº�其他的真的值五星,é��常适å�ˆåˆ�å¦è€…和想è¦�å¤�ä¹ çš„äººã€‚ï¼�”
“Tout est dans le titre. Je met â�ï¸�â�ï¸�â�ï¸�â�ï¸� Car il est en anglais, bien qu'il ne faille juste suivre en image soit au point par point, soit en vidéo (toucher la main avec le doigt en l'air, à côté de la barre de progression)!”